19-09-2020 17:28 GMT
We Are Us
Like the summer breeze
Before listening to this song you’ll need to first forget about all the tainted feel-good pop music you’ve heard this decade, possibly even further back. That shouldn’t be too hard considering the lack of substance and true to life lyrical content many, at least those on the radio have offered, sadly. So a quick shake of your head left to right really fast will do the trick. Now get all the tainted pink Taylor Swift has been wearing out of your head, there’s nothing LGBT or curious about this record. Finally, take a deep breath and prepare to feel like you did when you had your first crush. Reach for the play button really slowly. Hit it. This is going to feel a little, weird. Weird because it’s so good and its intentions are nothing but pure - that's very rare nowadays. Enjoy!
Like the summer breeze
Before listening to this song you’ll need to first forget about all the tainted feel-good pop music you’ve heard this decade, possibly even further back. That shouldn’t be too hard considering the lack of substance and true to life lyrical content many, at least those on the radio have offered, sadly. So a quick shake of your head left to right really fast will do the trick. Now get all the tainted pink Taylor Swift has been wearing out of your head, there’s nothing LGBT or curious about this record. Finally, take a deep breath and prepare to feel like you did when you had your first crush. Reach for the play button really slowly. Hit it. This is going to feel a little, weird. Weird because it’s so good and its intentions are nothing but pure - that's very rare nowadays. Enjoy!