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Music Review: Thief by Derek Lee Goodreid | Blues Album | iTunes | Bandcamp


24-01-2019 12:51 GMT

Indie Music Reviews (February 2019) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Blues artists, bands & labels with reviews of the latest songs, albums & mixtapes, music videos, music playlists, live events/gigs, concerts/tours, & other entertainment from your favorite indie Blues performers & entertainers daily on SRL Music Reviews.

Derek Lee Goodreid

Fast, pleasantly choatic, infectious

As featured on the SRL Auditions.

Derek is a seasoned Norwegian artist that knows his way around the blues like Stevie Wonder knows his keyboards. "Thief" sits comfortable in position number 3 of his critically acclaimed June, 2018 album, "Feel It!", which treated fans to a sizable doze of some of the most authentic blues sounds, rhythms and grooves money can't buy today. The blues seems to have become, or is becoming one of those genres you never really hear about in the mainstream until someone finds a way of mixing a little bit of pop in, and then some more, and then some more until all that's left is a few bluesy chords. But there's no pop here, just really good blues music that will get you on your feet and keep you on them till you've got nothing left to shake. The track is about love and it's a great one for when you are in need of something really original instrumentally and lyrically to really shake things up in your over sappy music playlists.


Check out Derek's SRL audition and vote:

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