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Music Review: Heirloom by Crissi Cochrane - Soul - Ontario, Canada | Music Discovery XO


22-04-2020 00:34 GMT

Music Reviews (April 2020) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Soul artists, bands & labels with reviews of the latest songs, albums & mixtapes, music videos, music playlists, live events/gigs, concerts/tours, & other entertainment from your favorite indie Soul performers & entertainers daily on SRL Music Reviews.
Music by indie artist, Crissi Cochrane on Spotify | YouTube Music

Crissi Cochrane

The gods must be crazy

Released on the 29th of February, “Heirloom” is Ontario singer songwriter Crissi Cochrane’s fourth album. It's her first album since becoming a household name in Windsor where she is from and one of the most celebrated independent musicians in Canada after “Pretty Words” from her third album went viral on Spotify and YouTube back in 2014. The first thing you need to know about this album is that it’s about as elegant as an elephant’s tusk. Wait what? An elephant’s tusk? Yep, the album is so good you’ll be talking gibberish after the first few songs. By the end of it you’ll feel so good baby pandas will be getting in line to cuddle you. If you never thought of an elephant’s tusk as being elegant, take a look at it from behind when the sun is shining just right, you've got 22 children back at the hut with 4 really angry baby mamas cooking their last batch of really stinky fish, a tranquilizer gun, and a queue of shady American business men with thousands of dollars to spend; and you’d be amazed what a little mud in all the right places could do for your psyche. But why the tagline then? Well, first of all, they are. Second of all, if you haven’t seen that movie you haven’t lived yet. Stop everything you are doing now and go and stream all three parts. If you haven’t soiled yourself laughing by the end of part one you need therapy for whatever it is you are going through in your life right now. But there’s no comedy in this album, and nothing funny about it either - it’s seriously good. The tagline just seemed appropriate at the time. Music fans have been through a lot over the past decade. So many highs, so many lows. So much music and so many new musicians, but very little has been amazing; good maybe, but not great. And then out of the blue, “Heirloom” – it’s better than great. To cut a long story short, this 11 track album could change your life. This could be a life-changing moment for you right here, and you deserve it. For starters, you are reading - nobody does that anymore, well at least not many. In fact, according to our in-house research, the chances of as little as even 50% of today's music fans reading a music review up to where you’ve read it so far are about as slim as an African model. Oops, was that too much?

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