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Music Review: 37X by Love X Stereo - Electronic Rock - Seoul, South Korea | SRL Reviews


19-12-2019 20:54 GMT

Music Reviews (December 2019) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Rock/Indie artists, bands & labels with reviews of the latest songs, albums & mixtapes, music videos, music playlists, live events/gigs, concerts/tours, & other entertainment from your favorite indie Rock/Indie performers & entertainers daily on SRL Music Reviews.
Music by indie artist, Love X Stereo on Spotify | Apple Music

Love X Stereo



A sonic blast from the past that will lead you on a path of no return into musical dimensions you never even knew existed. 

This is one of those albums that instantaneously raises the bar for any and everything you'd be ready to invest your aural resources in from the moment after you hit the play button. Don't listen to this album if you are one of those people who would rather have nothing than settle for even a little less because you could end up rendering your iPod or whatever music/mp3 player, app or mobile device you use to listen to music or discover music useless for a very long time, unless of course you've already built up a sizable collection of bar-raising stuff that can tide you over till your next big album discovery.

"37X" is so amazing we almost compared it to Michael Jackson's "Thriller", and we weren't even sorry. If, like many of today's die-hard music lovers you are yet to or rarely get the opportunity to listen to a new album more than once and only ever use the rewind or repeat button, then you are in for a monumental treat, you could even say a Christmas miracle. Featuring remixes of some of their new hits from recent albums and a few new songs, "37X" is the latest installment in the "37" series by Seoul, South Korea's top independent electronic rock band, Love X Stereo, who shot to fame back in 2011 with their critically acclaimed album, "Buzzin" and have had electronic rock fans around the world under a spell ever since. Having excelled in flying colors and defied the highest of expectations for several years independently it's hard to believe they are still able to shock fans and leave critics lost for words with every new record, but they do it time and time again, and this 10 track masterpiece is being hailed as the big kahuna of all the big kahuna's they've shocked the world with so far. Right from the very first track, "Turn It Up", to the very last, "Zero One" which was their last single, the album is packed with feel-good vibes so good you'll feel like James Brown, and want nothing more than to kiss yourself for this amazing discovery. Just hang a mistletoe above the mirror so it's not weird.


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