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Music Review: Up Early by Dedfre$H | Hip Hop Song | Stream free | Download mp3-320


24-10-2018 16:14 GMT

Indie Music Reviews (October 2018) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Hip Hop artists, bands & labels with reviews of the latest songs, albums & mixtapes, music videos, music playlists, live events/gigs, concerts/tours, & other entertainment from your favorite indie Hip Hop performers & entertainers daily on SRL Music Reviews.

DedFre$H (a.k.a Elohim Fre$hy)
"Up Early"
Hip Hop

Supercharge your alarm radio with this.

Find your inner superman, early in the morning.

If you hate getting up in the morning... well, you've probably got some serious issues and we won't be able to help you there. Try listening to some Skunk Radio Live for an hour or two and see if the lack of mindless pop eases your mind and sedates you but if it doesn't work please see a real doctor. We'd invite you to join our club but it's a secret club and we're full. If on the other hand, your problem is that you hate getting up early, then this song should change all that.

Stick this in your alarm clock and you'll be flying into the office or school on cloud nine everyday ready for whatever the world throws at you without a care in the world.

Sitting comfortably at track number 5 on Elohim Fre$hy's latest album, "Return of the Gods", it's one of those hip hop tracks that will make you want to re-evaluate the state of hip hop today and point the finger at your sources rather than condeming the genre as a whole. Maybe you've been looking in all the wrong places for good hip hop, or good music in general - you won't find it on MTV or BET, but don't worry, you're in the right place now.

"Up Early" is not just a great record, it's a compelling record with a soothing, repetitive feel that is so intoxicating and exciting that it makes you want to listen to it over and over without ever stopping. It's one of those records that'll drive a DJ totally insane, in a good way.

Production-wise, it has a very light, airy feel, almost like the inside of a big tin can. It's super bright with rattling hats that'll get your blood rushing with excitement. Lyrically, it goes without being said that DedFre$h, who is now better known as Elohim Fre$hy came more forcefully than a teenager on Horny Goat Weed. It's been a while since he released a full length project and he did well to make "Return of the Gods" count. "Up Early" stood out for many critics and fans as one of the top tracks on the record but the whole album is packed with surprises.


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