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Music Review: Esther by Esther | Folk Album | Stream free | Bandcamp |


23-06-2019 11:48 GMT

Indie Music Reviews (June 2019) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Folk artists, bands & labels with reviews of the latest songs, albums & mixtapes, music videos, music playlists, live events/gigs, concerts/tours, & other entertainment from your favorite indie Folk performers & entertainers daily on SRL Music Reviews.
Music by Esther on Bandcamp


Expect the unexpected

The beauty of indie music is that you never know what is coming next. While mainstream records are almost about as predictable as Snoop Dogg in Amsterdam or Charlie Sheen with a bottle of liquor, you never really know what to expect when a highly revered independent artist or band releases a new record - it could be as excruciating to listen to as whatever is trending on MTV right now or it could result in the most painfully satisfying premature eargasm that you won't even be ashamed of, before rushing back in too quickly and doing it again to even your own amazement. To put this album in perspective for anyone who has long forgotten about or isn't familiar with the elements of shock and surprise that was once rampant in music, this album is like getting a lap dance from Beyonce while Jay-Z braids your hair - take a pause to let that sink in. It's the type of stuff that happens in strange dreams you remember but will never really be able to decipher. That's all that means, no need to get excited or curious. It's an album that will not only treat you to amazing sounds you've never heard before but will go further and sweeten all the amazing sounds you thought couldn't get any better, and then give you chills and goose bumps for days.

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