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Music Review: Good Morning by Ez The Lyrical Skitzo | Stream free

18-05-2018 08:09 GMT

Indie Music Reviews (May 2018) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Hip Hop artists, bands & labels with reviews of the latest songs, albums & mixtapes, music videos, music playlists, live events/gigs, concerts/tours, & other entertainment from your favorite indie Hip Hop performers & entertainers daily on SRL Music Reviews.

Ez The Lyrical Skitzo
"Good Morning"
Hip Hop

Ez does it.

"Good Morning" was officially released on the 29th of April even though there have been unofficial versions on Soundcloud and other free music services for a while now. The official release is crisp, loud and clear and makes the already exciting track much more exciting. "Good Morning" is one of those tracks that'll make it easier to get out of bed in the morning, especially for hip hop fans who have been feeling like they have nothing to live for anymore since all their favorite rappers started singing and doing quirky stuff.

With a slow beat and a smooth bounce, the track showcases Ez the Lyrical Skitzo's lyrical prowess in a new light. We're used to hearing him rap fast over fast busy beats switching flows wildly like no man's business but this time we get a whole new vibe that is subtle and chilled, and a little more steady, but just as exciting.


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