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Let's get angry together



27-07-2020 19:27 GMT

As featured on this week's
Music Discovery XO Auditions. 
Voting still open. 

Music Reviews (July 2020) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Metal artists, bands & labels with reviews of the latest songs, albums & mixtapes, music videos, music playlists, live events/gigs, concerts/tours, & other entertainment from your favorite indie Metal performers & entertainers daily on SRL Music Reviews.
Music by indie artist, Moment of Madness on Spotify | YouTube

"Guiding Light"

Let's get angry together

With the global state of madness at an all time high, the only genre of music that could suffice is something really loud and chaotic. Something rough, rugged and raw. Something that would have the neighbors come banging on your door for fear you are either getting attacked, or having the best time of your life without them.  Something that’d make your ears feel alive again. And most importantly, something sonically big - really, really big; huge in fact; because size definitely matters. Who are these weird thinkers that think and say size doesn’t matter? Imagine if a notorious world leader, not calling any names okay; threatened to unleash a nuclear weapon and then after days or even weeks of despair and angst he did, and it was the size of a pencil, wouldn’t you just hiss and go back to whatever it was you were doing before the threat was made? You’d even wish you could find him so you could slap him for making you lose sleep wouldn’t you? Exactly, so size does matter – and what you are about to experience is really big, just be patient and we’ll get to it.

Well, that genre of music is called metal. If you’ve ever felt like you wanted to scream out at the top of your lungs while pulling your hair (or somebody else’s hair), this genre of music will not only show you what it sounds and feels like but will go a step further and teach you how to do it right. And no, It’s not senseless madness – it’s therapy. If you’ve got anger management issues, you'd better go out and get yourself a bunch of metal CDs. And no, don’t stream it on Spotify like a lazy millennial 😁, go out and buy it so you can touch and FEEL the rage. And then shove hard into your CD player, and then take it out, and then shove it in really hard again and then take it out; over and over till you feel amazing. Metal is the only genre of music that sounds like the moment that ensues when your newly married next door neighbors open their gas and electricity bill at the same time (SMH. Newbies right? 😊). It is the only genre of music that is guaranteed to calm you down on your darkest days quicker than looking pensively at and appreciating a good ass (whether you are male or female). Everyone loves a nice firm butt, or whatever your preference is in terms of size, color and density. When you see it, it calms you down. Or wait, is that just me? 

Now let’s get right down to the rage shall we? I promise you that by the end of this album you’ll feel only one of two things. Either you’ll be really furious, so furious that you won’t even remember why – you’ll just be boiling with your fists clenched and breathing really hard; or, you’ll feel like a humongous amount of anger and hatred has just been purged and you’re ten pounds lighter than when you make poo-poo in the morning. I know what you’re thinking “did you just say ten pounds?”. Yep, this album is not just big, it’s also heavy. With 5 songs, each one more ferociously exciting than the last, and with sweet sounds in just the right places to keep you from exploding as all that rage you’ve bottled up deep down inside and have been hiding from all these years resurfaces, “Guiding Light” is a compact but impactful EP that will guide you to a place in your mind where you are safe from yourself. Did you know you can only kiss yourself on the lips in a mirror? That’s exactly what you should do after you’ve made it through the last track, whether you are feeling either of those two things. 

As far as favorites go; to be honest it was really exciting every step of the way. Every track is a little different stylistically so it’s hard to say one was better than the other. But since you insist; “Far Away” the first track, “Guiding Light” the title track; and “Eternal Silence” really made me feel like an angry teenager again. Don’t worry, I didn’t rush out to buy a really hairy skunk and get drunk after 😊, but I really want to.

Now that you are in touch with your inner anger, and have learned how to control it, let's release and let go together... 


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